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Support unlimited account numbers, suitable for private equity or institutional management of many customers
Support unlimited number of computers, use Internet response system to meet real-time interconnections between different countries and regions
Compatible with all trading platforms using MT4 and MT5 trading software, automatically matching the currency pair names of different platforms
Computer or mobile phone monitoring background, real-time monitoring of the online status of the documentary account, position consistency, risk control position ratio and other data
Just load an EA chart and manage all currency pairs
Control a variety of parameters to achieve different accounts, different amounts, different positions, various flexible settings in different directions
Support order partial closing function, let your trading more freely
Cross-platform statistics of the current day, this month, last month, this year, the previous year's trading lots, profit and loss, etc.
Show the MT4 or MT5 trading platform account type, the leverage ratio, the minimum position, maximum positions, the proportion of explosion.
At real-time statistics of each currency, let the dealer slip immediately to borrow, it is good method to choose the foreign exchange platform.
One key positions (all, short, long positions respectively), the real one key positions, exclusive visual interface.
System given by way of a small bell trading tips, so you can easily seize the opportunity of the transaction (three-year average accuracy rate of 73.8%).
It shows MT4 leverage trading platform, the minimum position, maximum position, the proportion of warehouse explosion.MT4-compatible trading platform.
You can set the amount of profit margin, the amount of stop loss, spread to stop the surplus, the spread stop, so that the trading platform does not know your stop price, can not be swept.